Okay, say you are riding your Razor down the road and Zap! You're down on the concrete and there's a voice talking to you. Are you going crazy? Is your mom fussing at you for falling and ripping your shirt? Who does the voice sound like? Did you end up in a Phineas and Ferb episode because Dr. Doofenschmirtiz's Cartoon-a-nator pulled you into the Tri-State Area? Do you follow the voice's instructions or do you run away or do you get back up on your Razor and ride?
This is what happened to a dude named Saul. Jesus had already died and rose for the dead and then up to heaven. Saul was riding around on his horse being kind of mean to people who believed in Jesus. In fact, he was down right nasty about it.
Well, I think Jesus got his game on with Saul. Saul fell off his horse (there were no Razors back then) and Jesus blinded him with a big bright light. Saul could not see for three days. No books to read, no TV, no Wii, nothing, nada!
When a pal named Ananias cured Saul with the help of Jesus up in heaven, Saul changed his name to Paul and off he went to all over the place telling people that Jesus cured him. He did this with no GPS or computer. Paul visited so many places that he started writing letters to cities he had visited to remind his friends how to believe in Jesus.
All these letters were saved and gathered up. You can actually read them! They are in the New Testament in the Bible. Some of the letters are read in Mass in the Second Reading.
Hopefully you've learned something: you won't need to get zapped off your Razor to listen to Jesus. Just put your hands together and pray to him.
St. Paul's Feast Day is June 29. Feast Day does not mean you go hog wild at Golden Corral and eat your weight in apple pie. It's the day we celebrate St. Paul's life and how he spread Jesus' story around without a smart phone.
St. Paul standing and not on a Razor
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